3 Month
Python for Beginners
Introduction to PythonGetting StartedDataTypesSequence TypeSpecial TypesOperators and operandsInput and Output FunctionsMore ProgramsFlow control statementCommand line ArgumentsFunctionsLambdasModulesObject Oriented ProgrammingEncapsulationDatabase Operations
Python is used across a wide variety of industries. Of Course, the most common areas where Python language is used are for building mobile, web and desktop applications. Python is also used when testi...
What's Included?
- Course fee
- Registration & Exam fee
- Digital/Physical Certificate
INR 23000 46%
INR 12500
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3 Month
Python for Class XI
Introduction to Computer System Introduction to PythonDatabase concepts and the Structured Query LanguageIntroduction to the Emerging TrendsPractical List Programming in Python Data Management: SQL Commands
Python programming is powering the global job market because the benefits of Python are clear. Python is one of the top three programming languages in the world, and is poised to become the most popul...
What's Included?
- Course fee
- Registration & Exam fee
- Digital/Physical Certificate
INR 20500 46%
INR 11000
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