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Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys


Microsoft Word and Excel have remained two of the widely used Office programs. And even if you are familiar with them, you might still be surprised by the variety of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to make things more convenient. These are some of the most helpful Word and Excel shortcut keys that you should start using right now:


Ctrl + A – Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + B – Bold the highlighted selection

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text

Ctrl + N – Open a new or blank document

Ctrl + O – Open options

Ctrl + P – Open the print window

Ctrl + F – Open find box to search text within the document

Ctrl + I – Italicise the highlighted selection

Ctrl + K – Insert a link

Ctrl + U – Underline the highlighted selection

Ctrl + V – Paste the copied data

Ctrl + Y – Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z – Undo the last action

Ctrl + G – Find and replace options

Ctrl + H – Find and replace options

Ctrl + J – Justify paragraph alignment

Ctrl + L – Align selected text or line to the left

Ctrl + Q – Align selected paragraph to the left

Ctrl + E – Align selected text or line to the centre

Ctrl + R – Align selected text or line to the right

Ctrl + M – Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + T – Hanging indent

Ctrl + D – Font options

Ctrl + Shift + F – Change the font

Ctrl + Shift + > – Increase selected font +1

Ctrl + ] – Increase selected font +1

Ctrl + [ – Decrease selected font -1

Ctrl + Shift + * – View or hide non printing characters.

Ctrl + (Left arrow) – Move one word to the left

Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move one word to the right

Ctrl + (Up arrow) – Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph

Ctrl + (Down arrow) – Move to the end of the paragraph

Ctrl + Del – Delete the word to the right of the cursor

Ctrl + Backspace – Delete the word to the left of the cursor

Ctrl + End – Move cursor to end of the document

Ctrl + Home – Move the cursor to the beginning of the document

Ctrl + Space – Reset highlighted text to the default font

Ctrl + 1 – Add single-space lines

Ctrl + 2 – Add double-space lines

Ctrl + 5 – Add a 1.5-line spacing

Ctrl + Alt + 1 – Change text to heading 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2 – Change text to heading 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3 – Change text to heading 3

F1 – Open the help function

Shift + F3 – Change case of selected text

Shift + Insert – Paste

F4 – Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)

F7 – Spell check selected text and/or document

Shift + F7 – Activate the thesaurus

F12 – Save as

Ctrl + S – Save

Shift + F12 – Save

Alt + Shift + D – Insert the current date

Alt + Shift + T – Insert the current time

Ctrl + W – Close document